The intervention with newborn behavioral observations (NBO) in the newborn, infant and his family: a scoping review

Martins, P.A.C, Malheiro, M.I.D.C, Sousa, M.O.C.L (2018). A intervenção com a Newborn Behavioral Observations (NBO) no recém-nascido, lactente e sua família: a scoping review. Pensar Enfermagem, Vol. 22 Nº2, 2 semestre 2018.


Background: Brazelton developed the Neonatal Behavioural Observation (NBO) scale as a tool of the child’s behavior and support the child development. The scientific evidence shows that the NBO promotes a safe attachment and mental health of parents and children. It has been used to support parenting during the first 3 months of life. Objective: this scoping review objective  is to examine and map the knowledge about the utilization of the Newborn Behavioral Observations (NBO). Conclusion: The NBO is a flexible instrument that can be applied by many professionals, in different contexts, which allows a bigger interaction between parents and children, higher self-confidence, satisfaction, superior child competence and development knowledge by the caregivers, associated also to a reduction on the postpartum depression and anxiety, enhancing too their relationship and confidence in the health professional. On the other hand, by professionals perspective involved in the NBO intervention, they also felt more self-confident and wiht  more knowledge the intervention application.  Implications for practice: The NBO can be an effective intervention in enhnacing engagement, encouraging maternal role transition, and promoting attachment and bonding, to be integrated into health policies’. However, none of the studies evaluate the efficacy of nurses  in the intervention with NBO on primary health care center context.  Reason that justifies the need to conduct a primary investigation in this area.

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