Call For Papers

The Call for Papers FIRST YEARS COUNT!  2nd edition – aims to collect published Papers on research, policies and practices associated with Early Childhood Development from 0-6 years, preferably in the first 1,000 days of life (0-3 years), as well as the dissemination of the Papers admitted to the European campaign to promote Early Childhood Development.

Fundação Nossa Senhora do Bom Sucesso  launches the Call for Papers FIRST YEARS COUNT!2nd edition (September 2022) with deadline on  January 31, 2023.

The articles accepted will be disseminated as part of the Primeiros Anos a Nossa Prioridade Campaign.

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The 1st edition of the Call for Papers FIRST YEARS COUNT! (November 2020 – February 2021) resulted in 26 scientific papers on early childhood development, whose abstracts were disseminated on social media linked to  Child Development Research repository.


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