As artes visuais e as práticas pedagógicas de professoras de bebês e crianças pequenas: olhares sobre a produção artística nesse contexto

De Oliveira Menezes, Eunice Andrade; Silva, Suely Andrade de Oliveira. As Artes Visuais e as Práticas Pedagógicas de Professoras de Bebês e Crianças Pequenas: Olhares sobre a Produção Artística nesse Contexto. Revista Científica/FAP, [S.l.], jul. 2018. ISSN 1980-5071.


The study has the main objectives of: to know pedagogical practices that circumvent the artistic production of babies and young children and discuss about the connection between teacher training and professional attitude in Visual Arts. As main theoretical contributions brings Lavelberg (2003;2008) and Fusari; Ferraz (1993) as the teaching of Arts in school; the Curriculum Reference for Early Childhood Education-RCNEI (BRASIL, 1998) and the Curricular Common National Base (BRASIL, 2016), in the perspective of Visual Arts as ways to enable children opportunities for expression and languages; as well as the Triangular Approach to Art Teaching (BARBOSA, 2007) as questioning action in teacher training. The methodology adopted a qualitative approach with data obtained through a questionnaire applied to 10 teachers working in kindergartens and preschools in two cities of Ceará. The analysed material resulted in some recommendations for Kindergarten teachers regarding teaching practices for the work with Visual Arts. The first one concerns the unquestionable imperative to overcome the shortcomings generated by initial training, which implies its understanding as a continuum. The second refers to the need for visits, by the teacher, to cultural spaces, such as museum, theatre, cinema, art gallery, among other non-formal educational loci, but highly conducive to training and cultural expansion of the kindergarten teacher.

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